Silverstone Olympia OP1200 1200W Power Supply
Category: Power Supply
Manufacturer: Silverstone
Provided by: Silverstone
Model: OP1200 1200W
Price: See latest prices
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Packaging and contents
The Silverstone Olympia OP1200 1200W power supply is very well packed and arrived in excellent condition. The box has a handle, which is useful since PSU itself weights 3.4 kg.
eXtreme Outer Vision's power supply package requirements:
Requirement | Passed/Failed |
Wattage | Passed |
Features and Specs | Passed |
Output Specs | Passed |
Warranty | Failed |
PFC Type (if any) | Passed |
Cable Set | Passed |
Safety/Approvals | Passed |
UL Code | Passed |

Inside we find power supply, additional box with power cable and screws and manual. For some reason, the manual was from Decathlon DA1200, which is a modular version of OP1200.