Antec TPQ-850 TruePower Quattro 850W Power Supply

Category: Power Supply
Manufacturer: Antec, Inc.
Provided by: Antec, Inc.
Model: Quattro 850-EC
Price: See latest prices

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Packaging and contents

The Antec TPQ-850 TruePower Quattro 850W Power Supply comes in a compact and professionally looking retail style cardboard box.
The model name, wattage; dual graphics cards ready, 80 plus and Quiet Computing labels are printed on top of the box. Back of the box provides information about PSU's features in three languages, and explanation about 80 Plus program. The power output distribution, some features and safety are described on the sides of the box.

What do we want to see on the box? As you might already know, we came up with a list of things that we would like to see listed on the power supply package, which might come handy when you buy the power supply from your local or online store.

eXtreme Outer Vision's power supply package requirements:#

Features and SpecsPassed
Output SpecsPassed
PFC Type (if any)Passed
Cable SetPassed
UL CodeFailed

Inside of the box we find power supply wrapped in a plastic bag and covered with pieces of styrofoam to prevent any damage (top piece of styrofoam was removed to take this picture).

After unpacking all of the goodies we can see: power supply itself, plastic bag with modular cables, power cord, screws and manual.