Antec TPQ-850 TruePower Quattro 850W Power Supply
Category: Power Supply
Manufacturer: Antec, Inc.
Provided by: Antec, Inc.
Model: Quattro 850-EC
Price: See latest prices
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As you know, Antec is a very respectable brand among the computer enthusiasts and regular users. It is known for its high quality power supplies and computer cases. Until now, the maximum wattage output of 650W was available from Antec in the form of TruePower Trio 650 EC. At the end of 2006 I knew that Antec is cooking a new line of power supplies, but the release date and specs were not available at that time. It was not that hard to guess that this new line will be around 1000W.Let me introduce the newest Antec's line of the power supplies, Antec TruePower Quattro. It comes in two flavours: 850W and 1000W. Today, we will take a look at the Antec TPQ-850 TruePower Quattro 850W power supply.

This is what Antec has to say about it: "You could search the four corners of the earth for a stable and reliable power supply, but actually you need to look no further than Antec's TruePower Quattro! It is more compact than most competing power supplies of the same wattage, yet ideally suited for handling the most demanding system specs. TruePower Quattro is designed to meet the 80PLUS certification which means that Quattro consumes about 33% less energy than many equivalent power supplies with the same power output. Four 12V rails increase your system stability. Comes with four PCI-E connectors for powering one (or even two) of the newest generation of video cards. All modular cables are sleeved and labelled to give your system a clean and professional look-while the racing stripe paint job will add some extra style."